Communication is a vital key in any relationship.
From friendship to parenthood
You may wonder why you need to communicate with your ward but I tell you it’s very important you do.
Get in touch with what is going on in your wards’ life.
From knowing their perspective of the teachers to understanding the company they keep.
When your ward sees a friend in you the first person they will run to when they have an issue will be YOU.
While we may not see it as much but I tell you as your ward slowly grows you will become his/her BEST FRIEND.

This singular act can save your child from sexual abuse, bullying, peer pressure and so many social vices that exist these days. And you know why?
That’s because you will be in the loop..
Learn to communicate with your ward.
Break the ice of “What can I talk about with this child” and just talk about everything.
Hold nothing back..
Be open to your child as well
Teach them life lessons
Never shun them.
Always allow your child to see a friend in you.